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The Pearland Mobility Study is a holistic analysis of the City’s transportation network. The Study will investigate safety, connectivity, network efficiency, and integration of multimodal facilities.It will incorporate public engagement to better understand where existing congestion and safety issues are and where improvements should be prioritized. It will determine existing and future needs based on existing conditions analysis, the recent update to the Future Land Use Plan and potential buildout scenarios.The Studywill result in a Mobility Plan that includesan action plan,traffic managementplanand updates to the Pearland Thoroughfare Plan.
The Pearland Mobility Study is a holistic analysis of the City’s transportation network. The Study will investigate safety, connectivity, network efficiency, and integration of multimodal facilities.It will incorporate public engagement to better understand where existing congestion and safety issues are and where improvements should be prioritized. It will determine existing and future needs based on existing conditions analysis, the recent update to the Future Land Use Plan and potential buildout scenarios.The Studywill result in a Mobility Plan that includesan action plan,traffic managementplanand updates to the Pearland Thoroughfare Plan.