Have you or anyone in your household used public transit services in Dayton?
Do you think the City of Dayton needs additional or improved public transit services?
What is the level of awareness about public transit services in the community?
If you use public transit now or decide to use it in the future, where would you go using it? (Select up to THREE trip purposes)
Have you ever used an app-based on-demand rideshare service?
How should information about public transit services be distributed?
What should be the top priority for public transit service in Dayton for the next 10 years? (Select up to THREE)
What is your home zip code?
What is your work/ school zip code? (If applicable)
What is your race?
Are you of Hispanic origin?
What is your age?
What is your gender
What was the range of your total household income in 2024?
Is there anything you would like to comment on about the existing transit services or suggestions for improving the service?