Buffalo Bayou East Design Concept

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Houston-Galveston Area Council, in partnership with the Buffalo Bayou Partnership, is leading the Buffalo Bayou East Design Concept to advance the vision of a connected network of parks, trails, transit, and public spaces.

The study builds upon prior plans and projects to provide practical implementation recommendations that will extend and enhance pedestrian and bike infrastructure for neighborhoods north and south of Buffalo Bayou East. In addition, the study will develop recommendations for transit-oriented development (TOD) around the Denver Harbor Transit Center as well as walking and biking connections to transit.

Study Objectives

  1. Identify Actionable Projects
  2. Improve Connectivity
  3. Enhance Safety and Mobility
  4. Support Cultural and Economic Vitality
  5. Integrate Nature and Recreation

Study Area

The study area is focused on trail segments within the network of interconnected trails, promenades, and bikeways that can seamlessly link key destinations, including Japhet Creek, the North Side Water Treatment Plant, Tony Marron Park, and the Buffalo Bayou East Corridor, as well as transit-oriented development (TOD) areas in Houston's 5th Ward and Lyons Avenue.

Join Us...

The study is a collaborative effort, and we welcome your participation!

Join with your neighbors, local organizations, and businesses to develop community-driven recommendations for trails and transit-orientated development.

  • Attend the upcoming public meetings in April 2025 and September 2025 (dates and locations will be announced soon).
  • Share your ideas below through the online platform.

Houston-Galveston Area Council, in partnership with the Buffalo Bayou Partnership, is leading the Buffalo Bayou East Design Concept to advance the vision of a connected network of parks, trails, transit, and public spaces.

The study builds upon prior plans and projects to provide practical implementation recommendations that will extend and enhance pedestrian and bike infrastructure for neighborhoods north and south of Buffalo Bayou East. In addition, the study will develop recommendations for transit-oriented development (TOD) around the Denver Harbor Transit Center as well as walking and biking connections to transit.

Study Objectives

  1. Identify Actionable Projects
  2. Improve Connectivity
  3. Enhance Safety and Mobility
  4. Support Cultural and Economic Vitality
  5. Integrate Nature and Recreation

Study Area

The study area is focused on trail segments within the network of interconnected trails, promenades, and bikeways that can seamlessly link key destinations, including Japhet Creek, the North Side Water Treatment Plant, Tony Marron Park, and the Buffalo Bayou East Corridor, as well as transit-oriented development (TOD) areas in Houston's 5th Ward and Lyons Avenue.

Join Us...

The study is a collaborative effort, and we welcome your participation!

Join with your neighbors, local organizations, and businesses to develop community-driven recommendations for trails and transit-orientated development.

  • Attend the upcoming public meetings in April 2025 and September 2025 (dates and locations will be announced soon).
  • Share your ideas below through the online platform.
Page last updated: 29 Jan 2025, 08:58 AM